
The Psion Gemini

So, I backed the Gemini and received my shiny new device just a few months after they said that it'd ship, not bad for an indiegogo project! Out of the box, I flashed it, using the non-approved linux flashing tool at that time, and failed to backup the parts that, err, I really didn't want blatted... So within hours I had a new phone that I, err, couldn't make calls on, which was marginally annoying. And the tech preview of Debian wasn't really worth it, as it was fairly much unusable (which was marginally upsetting, but hey) - after a few more hours / days of playing around I got the IMEI number back in to the Gemini and put back on the stock android image. I didn't at this point have working bluetooth or wifi, which was a bit of a pain too, turns out the mac addresses for those are also stored in the nvram (doh!), that's now mostly working through a bit of collaboration with another Gemini owner, my Gemini currently uses the mac addresses from his device... which I'll need to fix in the next month or so, else we'll have a mac address collision, probably.

Overall, it's not a bad machine, the keyboard isn't quite as good as I was hoping for, the phone functionality is not bad once you're on a call, but not great until you're on a call, and I certainly wouldn't use it to replace the Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge that I currently use as my full time phone. It is however really rather useful as a sysadmin tool when you don't want to be lugging a full laptop around with you, the keyboard is better than using the on screen keyboard on the phone, the ssh client is "good enough" to get to what I need, and the terminal font isn't bad. I look forward to seeing where it goes, I'm happy to have been an early backer, as I don't think I'd pay the current retail price for one.

Posted: 2018-06-07 14:04 in Tech | permalink

Stupid Policies on Students

So, you're new to the tech industry, you've only just got your GCSEs, you're mostly, by law, at this point, able to have "teh sex" anytime you want... You've then signed up to a course that has a bunch of limitations of where you can be, and what you can do, at various (ok - all), points of the day. Isn't this exciting, you're going to learn new things. Probably.

So, here are my problems, first off, the rules state that you can't go in to the building or bedroom of anyone of the other sex. Are you fucking kidding me at this point? A shit load of my learning was based from the other sex - we weren't trying to fuck each other - we were bouncing ideas and talking to each other, as equals, not as a different sex, purely as people. Why the actual fuck would you separate people from each other as a base line? No. Really.

Then, whilst I read the rules, I had the other idea in my head, which will entirely infuriate the stupid rule makers - although it's against the rules for opposite sex couples to ever see each other, it's entirely within the rules for any gay couple to cheerfully stay in the rules and invite friends round if so wanted! So, a win for them, obviously.

Of course, at all points, these are hormonaly charged teenagers, so, your entire back line is to kick them out of your course... please, someone, tell me how this doesn't end up with a lack of mutual respect? This is fucking stupid. sigh.

Posted: 2017-07-22 01:42 in Tech | permalink

Using the Mythic Beasts IPv4 -> IPv6 Proxy for Websites on a v6 only Pi and getting the right REMOTE_ADDR

So, more because I was intrigued than anything else, I've got a pi3 from Mythic Beasts, they're supplied with IPv6 only connectivity and the file storage is NFS over a private v4 network. The proxy will happily redirect requests to either http or https to the Pi, but this results (without turning on the Proxy Protocol) with getting remote addresses in your logs of the proxy servers, which is not entirely useful.

I've cheated a bit, because the turning on of ProxyProtocol for the addresses is currently not exposed to customers (it's on the list!), to do it without access to Mythic's backends use your own domainname (I've also got mapped to this Pi).

So, first step first, we get our RPi and we make sure that we can login to it via ssh (I'm nearly always on a v6 connection anyways, so this was a simple case of sshing to the v6 address of the Pi). I then installed haproxy and apache2 on the Pi and went about configuring them, with apache2 I changed it to listen to localhost only and on ports 8080 and 4443, I hadn't at this point enabled the ssl module so, really, the change for 4443 didn't kick in. Here's my /etc/apache2/ports.conf file:

# If you just change the port or add more ports here, you will likely also
# have to change the VirtualHost statement in
# /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf

Listen [::1]:8080

<IfModule ssl_module>
       Listen [::1]:4443

<IfModule mod_gnutls.c>
       Listen [::1]:4443

# vim: syntax=apache ts=4 sw=4 sts=4 sr noet

I then edited /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf to change the VirtualHost line to [::1]:8080.

So, with that in place, now we deploy haproxy infront of it, the basic /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg config is:

       log /dev/log    local0
       log /dev/log    local1 notice
       chroot /var/lib/haproxy
       stats socket /run/haproxy/admin.sock mode 660 level admin
       stats timeout 30s
       user haproxy
       group haproxy

       # Default SSL material locations
       ca-base /etc/ssl/certs
       crt-base /etc/ssl/private

       # Default ciphers to use on SSL-enabled listening sockets.
       # For more information, see ciphers(1SSL). This list is from:
       ssl-default-bind-options no-sslv3

       log     global
       mode    http
       option  httplog
       option  dontlognull
        timeout connect 5000
        timeout client  50000
        timeout server  50000
       errorfile 400 /etc/haproxy/errors/400.http
       errorfile 403 /etc/haproxy/errors/403.http
       errorfile 408 /etc/haproxy/errors/408.http
       errorfile 500 /etc/haproxy/errors/500.http
       errorfile 502 /etc/haproxy/errors/502.http
       errorfile 503 /etc/haproxy/errors/503.http
       errorfile 504 /etc/haproxy/errors/504.http

frontend any_http
        option httplog
        option forwardfor

        acl is_from_proxy src 2a00:1098:0:82:1000:3b:1:1 2a00:1098:0:80:1000:3b:1:1
        tcp-request connection expect-proxy layer4 if is_from_proxy

        bind :::80
        default_backend any_http

backend any_http
        server apache2 ::1:8080

Obviously after that you then do:

systemctl restart apache2
systemctl restart haproxy

Now you have a proxy protocol'd setup from the proxy servers, and you can still talk directly to the Pi over ipv6, you're not yet logging the right remote ips, but we're a step closer. Next enable mod_remoteip in apache2:

a2enmod remoteip

And add a file, /etc/apache2/conf-available/remoteip-logformats.conf containing:

LogFormat "%v:%p %a %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %O \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-Agent}i\"" remoteip_vhost_combined

And edit the /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf to change the CustomLog line to use remoteip_vhost_combined rather than combined as the LogFormat and add the relevant RemoteIP settings:

RemoteIPHeader X-Forwarded-For
RemoteIPTrustedProxy ::1

CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log remoteip_vhost_combined

Now, enable the config and restart apache2:

a2enconf remoteip-logformats
systemctl restart apache2

Now you'll get the right remote ip in the logs (cool, huh!), and, better still, the environment that gets pushed through to cgi scripts/php/whatever is now also correct.

So, you can now happily visit http://www.<your-pi-name>, e.g.

Next up, you'll want something like dehydrated - I grabbed the packaged version from debian's jessie-backports repository - so that you can make yourself some nice shiny SSL certificates (why wouldn't you, after all!), once you've got dehydrated installed, you'll probably want to tweak it a bit, I have some magic extra files that I use, I also suggest getting the dehydrated-apache2 package, which just makes it all much easier too.









case $action in
    cat "$privkey" "$fullchain" > /etc/ssl/private/srwpi.pem
    chmod 640 /etc/ssl/private/srwpi.pem

/etc/dehydrated/hooks/srwpi has the execute bit set (chmod +x /etc/dehydrated/hooks/srwpi), and is really only there so that the certificate can be used easily in haproxy.

And finally the file /etc/dehydrated/domains.txt:

Obviously, use your own pi name in there, or better yet, one of your own domain names that you've mapped to the proxies.

Run dehydrated in cron mode (it's noisy, but meh...):

dehydrated -c

That s then generated you some shiny certificates (hopefully). For now, I'll just tell you how to do it through the /etc/apache2/sites-available/default-ssl.conf file, just edit that file and change the SSLCertificateFile and SSLCertificateKeyFile to point to /var/lib/dehydrated/certs/ and /var/llib/dehydrated/certs/ files, do the edit for the CustomLog as you did for the other default site, and change the VirtualHost to be [::1]:443 and enable the site:

a2ensite default-ssl
a2enmod ssl

And restart apache2:

systemctl restart apache2

Now time to add some bits to haproxy.cfg, usefully this is only a tiny tiny bit of extra config:

frontend any_https
        option httplog
        option forwardfor

        acl is_from_proxy src 2a00:1098:0:82:1000:3b:1:1 2a00:1098:0:80:1000:3b:1:1
        tcp-request connection expect-proxy layer4 if is_from_proxy

        bind :::443 ssl crt /etc/ssl/private/srwpi.pem

        default_backend any_https

backend any_https
        server apache2 ::1:4443 ssl ca-file /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt

Restart haproxy:

systemctl restart haproxy

And we're all done! REMOTE_ADDR will appear as the correct remote address in the logs, and in the environment.

Posted: 2017-03-01 18:35 in Tech, and Work | permalink

Ooooooh! Shiny!

Yay! So, it's a year and a bit on from the last post (eeep!), and we get the news of the Psion Gemini - I wants one, that looks nice and shiny and just the right size to not be inconvenient to lug around all the time, and far better for ssh usage than the onscreen keyboard on my phone!

Posted: 2017-03-01 15:12 in Tech | permalink

Pound and POODLE

Over the last week I've been working to get the patches for Pound in to Debian for the POODLE vulnerabilty, the new package in unstable has the DisableSSLv3 option available which allows for disabling SSLv3 (fundamental for POODLE), and is waiting to migrate to testing, once that's happen I'll be looking to get that version in to wheezy-backports.

In the mean time, I'm currently rebuilding my personal repository, and will update this post once it's available, along with the GPG public key that it's signed with, the repository will contain wheezy-backports versions of pound, built from the unstable sources, along with a newer version of pound from the current experimental (2.7d) release of pound.

I also raised a ticket for EPEL 7 to get them to update from the 2.7c version that they currently have in the repository to the 2.7d version, which mostly only has the added option to disable various versions of SSL, and that appears to currently be in progress.

Internally at Mythic Beasts we have a repository for managed customers which already has the patched versions for both CentOS and Debian Wheezy.

Posted: 2014-10-24 17:18 in Tech, and Work | permalink

Sony Entertainment Networks Insanity

So, I have a SEN account (it's part of the PSN), I have 2 videos with SEN, I have a broken PS3 so I can no deactivate video (you can only do that from the console itself, yes, really)... and the response from SEN has been abysmal, specifically:

As we take the security of SEN accounts very seriously, we are unable to provide support on this matter by e-mail as we will need you to answer some security questions before we can investigate this further. We need you to phone us in order to verify your account details because we're not allowed to verify details via e-mail.

I mean, seriously, they're going to verify my details over the phone better than over e-mail how exactly? All the contact details are tied to my e-mail account, I have logged in to their control panel and renamed the broken PS3 to "Broken PS3", I have given them the serial number of the PS3, and yet they insist that I need to call them, because apparently they're fucking stupid. I'm damned glad that I only ever got 2 videos from SEN, both of which I own on DVD now anyways, this kind of idiotic tie in to a system is badly wrong.

So, you phone the number... and now you get stuck with hold music for ever... oh, yeah, great customer service here guys. I mean, seriously, WTF.

OK - 10 minutes on the phone, and still being told "One of our advisors will be with you shortly". I get the feeling that I'll just be writing off the 2 videos that I no longer have access to.

I'm damned glad that I didn't decide to buy more content from that - at least you can reset the games entitlement once every six months without jumping through all these hoops (you have to reactivate each console that you still want to use, but hey).

Posted: 2014-06-28 16:54 in Life, and Tech | permalink

Wow, I do believe Fasthosts have outdone themselves...

So, got a beep this morning from our work monitoring system. One of our customers domain names is hosted with (which, as far as I can tell, is part of the Fasthosts franchise)... It appears that Fasthosts have managed to entirely break their DNS:

brettp@laptop:~$ host
;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached
brettp@laptop:~$ whois | grep -i "Name Server"
   Name Server: NS1.FASTHOSTS.NET.UK
   Name Server: NS2.FASTHOSTS.NET.UK
brettp@laptop:~$ whois | grep -A 2 "Name servers:"
    Name servers:
brettp@laptop:~$  host -t ns
;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached
brettp@laptop:~$ host -t ns
;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached

So, that's fasthosts core nameservers not responding, good start! They also provide, so lets have a look at that:

brettp@laptop:~$ whois | grep -A 3 "Name servers:"
    Name servers:
brettp@laptop:~$ host -t ns
;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached
brettp@laptop:~$ host -t ns
;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached
brettp@laptop:~$ host -t ns
;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached

So, erm, apparently that's all their DNS servers "Not entirely functioning correctly"! That's quite impressive!

Posted: 2014-01-04 10:24 in Tech, and Work | permalink

dd over ssh oddness

So, using the command:

root@new# ssh root@old dd if=/dev/vg/somedisk | dd of=/dev/vg/somedisk

appears to fail, getting a SIGTERM at some point for no discernable reason... however, using

root@old# dd if=/dev/vg/somedisk | ssh root@new dd of=/dev/vg/somedisk

works fine.

The pull version fails at a fairly random point after a fairly undefined period of time. The push version works everytime. This is most confusing and odd...

Dear lazyweb, please give me some new ideas as to what's going on, it's driving me nuts!

Update: solved...

A different daemon wasn't limiting it's killing habits in the case that a certain process wasn't running, and was killing the ssh process on the new server almost at random, found the bug in the code and now testing with that.

Thanks for all the suggestions though, much appreciated.

Posted: 2013-12-03 10:59 in Tech | permalink

Hepworth Spam

There's been a recent spate of spam from domains held by Communicado Ltd, to counter this Martin A Brooks has created a lovely list of domains to easily filter, see his blog post for information on the distribution and usage of this list.

Posted: 2013-10-16 12:31 in Tech | permalink

And on a different but similar tack...

Of the (entire!) 35 comments on my blog that I've approved, 5 of those are actually from ipv6 addresses! Well done you ipv6 early uptakers! You all deserve a pint. (If you ever happen to turn up in the same pub as me, you should probably remind me I said that :) )

Posted: 2013-10-14 21:16 in Tech | permalink

Just in case you missed it...

So, I've changed jobs, I now work for the incredibly awesome Mythic Beasts, So far it's been great, we've hit a few problems, we've made sane plans, and we're moving forwards and making things easier to manage long term. I've mostly been involved with debugging mac-mini boot problems, and getting them working with (as far as possible) stock kernels, rather than our previous set of custom compiled kernels, so that it's easier to upgrade later, and so that we're not having to maintain a whole set of patches that we shouldn't need to! We're also starting to package our own software that we use internally so that actually deploying new servers is becoming a lot easier, and configuration of our previous packages is now (mostly) handled by debconf, meaning that actually setting up backups is becoming much easier.

We've also changed out main backup strategy from using a (slightly flaky) openvpn connection with loopback mounted ext3 filesystems to using rsync with the --fake-super option - the only thing that we've found slightly wrong with this so far is that --fake-super can't reconcile symlinks (it uses user level xattr to store the origional permissions, and with symlinks this doesn't work, because, apparently, symlinks should store user xattr attrbutes!).

We also offer ipv6 for all our dedicated and vps customers, as per the mythic blog - and our 2 authoritative name servers are both v6 enabled. We're working towards making all of our core services available over both ipv4 and ipv6, and we should be there soon.

It's fantastic to work for a company that has the technical knowledge and no-shit stance that Mythic Beasts has, we will hold our hands up if we do something wrong, and we'll tell you exactly what happened, why, and what we're doing to stop it from happening again.

So, 1 month in, and I'm absolutely loving working for them, and I've been a customer of theirs since black cat networks sold their domain name side to them, and shortly afterwards bluelinux sold their virtual servers service to them.

Our new VDS lite service is reasonably priced, and well spec'd. I thoroughly recommend our services, and obviously, we actually use our own vds service to provide some of our services - so it's as important to us that it keeps working as it is for our customers.

Wow, so that was a very salesy post. Erm, next time, back to whinging about authors not having written the books I'm waiting for yet! :)

Posted: 2013-10-14 20:37 in Tech, and Work | permalink

The usefulness of getent

It appears that if you want to do dns lookups, the output of host is a pain to parse, and dig doesn't follow the systems normal search path. So, the solution is to use getent ahostsv4 <hostname> which has easier to parse output (if you're only looking for v4 addresses).

Apparently this is not a well known thing, so I thought I'd drop it here to tell the world :)

Posted: 2013-09-18 19:37 in Tech | permalink

Moving, Changing Jobs and the Bank Holiday Weekend...

So, in the last couple of weeks I've (mostly) moved out of Brighton, got a new job, and generally the world has gone crazy.

The bank holiday weekend was spent at Debian UK BBQ, and was fantastic fun, including the reading corner on Sunday where we played through various arcs of To Be or Not To Be (small spoiler: PIRATES!).

Since then I've been mostly back and forth from Brighton moving stuff, buying a car, and starting a new job... As mentioned in my new employers blog there was a small stumbling block with my new work laptop that stopped me from getting a sensible operating system on it from the get-go, but it's now running a shiny Debian Wheezy install and alllllllllll is well with the world... well, mostly. I have just removed gnome-keyring because I hate that I can't see a way of relocking it, or infact relocking any of the individual keys that it had.

So, back to ssh-agent I went, and the world is good again. But that means that I haven't got a gpg agent running at the moment, though, unless I'm missing something, I can't see a way of forcing gpg-agent to forget a passphrase either (ARGH, why on earth wouldn't you have an option for that?!).

Posted: 2013-09-11 20:38 in Life, and Tech | permalink

Replacing Planet Planet

I'm just replacing the code running planet alug from a (very old) Planet 2.0 to Venus, appears that the transition has mostly worked, but maybe it's time to think about what to replace that with too, it'd be nice, for instance, to use something shiny and django based so that some more people can add feeds (with out me having to go edit the file!).

Posted: 2013-07-22 18:25 in Tech | permalink

Awesome, Gnome Power Manager and ACPI

I use awesome as my window manager, without a gnome session around it - as gnome-power-manager now depends on having a gnome-session running, I had a choice to make - I don't need or want to run a gnome-session, so I went on the hunt for a different battery monitor for my laptop. I've ended up using fdpowermon as it does just what I need and nothing more - then I edited the default acpi scripts to do what I had gnome-power-manager doing before hand, i.e. if I've unplugged the AC and I close the lid, the laptop does a s2both. Slightly more configuration, but it now does what I expect all the time (yay!).

I wanted some extra keybinding from the default config of awesome in Debian, so I also created a very small rc.lua file as follows:


mylayouts = {

for s = 1, screen.count() do
    for t = 1, 9 do
        awful.tag.setproperty(tags[s][t], "layout", mylayouts[t])

globalkeys = awful.util.table.join(globalkeys,
    awful.key({"Control", "Mod1" }, "l", function () awful.util.spawn("/home/brettp/bin/") end)


This basically overrides parts of the default config and makes it so that my "tags" are vsplit for tags 1 and 3-6, maximised for tag 2 (where my browser lives) and floating for 7-9 (where the IM client sits, and I do anything involving GIMP). It does mean that I'm at the whim of the default config mostly, but as that seems to be fairly sane most of the time, that's not a problem... it also means that I'm only maintaining a small change set rather than a full rc file, and so new "features" can come in without me having to touch anything (well, other than restarting awesome...).

I do need to either unmap the minimise key combo, or create an unminimise key combo that pops up a menu with the list of minimised windows in it at some point, though - because it's all too easy to press Meta4-n when you meant Meta4-m.

Posted: 2012-03-22 11:54 in Tech | permalink

StarTech IP KVM - SV1107IPEXT

So, at work we have a little single port IP KVM, it is a StarTech SV1107IPEXT - it's not a "bad" bit of kit, if you're completely configured for using it in the way they expect... When you're not, then it throws a NullPointerException when you try to connect with it's Java applet.

This morning (mostly because the monitor and keyboard I had been using for building stuff on my desk has gone missing) I decided I'd try again with the device, it's not on our default office network range, mostly because it might not always be in the office, so I quickly added an ip alias using ip addr add dev wlan0 on my laptop to bring up a route to it. Navigated to the page and asked it to fire up the Java applet. Straight off, a NullPointerException happens - hmm. So looked at what was being logged by the JVM - it was trying to run ifconfig (no, really, the java applet ran ifconfig... with no path...) which, on my debian laptop, is not in the default path... so I went and make a quick wrapper in ~/bin for it... right - now it can run that... still a NPE, hmm. So look a little closer, it's looking for the MAC address assigned to the IP that you're coming from... no, really! WTF! So I went and hacked my little ifconfig wrapper to rewrite the address for wlan0 to be what the KVM expected it to be, low and behold, I can now run the java client (hoorah!).

Why the heck are they doing that though - that's just plain insane! On the plus side, I now have a work around, on the minus side, egad that's ugly!

Posted: 2012-01-19 11:20 in Tech, and Work | permalink

Things that annoy me #31294

I use to read rss feeds, it has a nifty feature whereby if a post is changed, it just gets tacked on to a thread for that post. There are 2 things that really annoy me with rss feeds, though - 1 is the people that don't include the full post in the rss feed, and the other is people that include a comment count in the rss feed.

I don't care how many comments are on the post, dammit. I'd deliberately go follow the post if I did, but having that comment count means that I get another one in the thread for NO REASON, the content of the post hasn't changed, dammit. This means that until that post drops out of the feed, every 30 minutes if the comment count has changed (and so the "content" of the feed changes) I get that post yet again and marked as new in my mailbox. Why does anyone put the comment count in the feed, does anyone really care?! If you want to link to comments from the feed, that's fine, just drop the count from it, and the content of the post wouldn't change, and I'd be happy.

Erm, comments are currently turned off here, until I manage to get round to turning on all the little spam prevention fun... just thought I'd have a whinge, really!

Posted: 2011-07-22 14:20 in Random, and Tech | permalink

IPv6 Woes...

So, I'm in a bit of an odd situation where I've got 2 (sometimes 3) stateless ipv6 configurations hitting my laptop a lot of the time - I need to prefer only one of them for the default route, but obviously I'm getting served default routes all over the shop (because each radvd on that network is advertising itself as a default route too)... Now, on my laptop I actually deliberately set one of my own machines as a DNS server on the bringing up of a certain interface which happens to be v6 only, the problem is that only does recursive if you come from a fixed set of IPs, so I get sporadic dns failures if the laptop decides to use one of the other default v6 routes.

Now, being spoilt as I usually am by the kernel, I thought "Hmmm, obvious way to get round this would be to tell the kernel that $interface should have a default routing metric for the default route of 512 rather than 1024". Apparently that was a pipe dream, from what I can tell from the kernel source, routes added are given a metric of 256 if they are a directly advertised prefix, and 1024 if they are a default route, I couldn't see a way that you could at any point change that.

As this doesn't actually exist, and I just realised that I could advertise the route to the dns server (which is on a different /64 to the vpns /64), I'm now advertising that route - note, however, that for this to work you have to have enable a sysctl option to let it accept router advertisements for things that aren't the prefix it's getting or the default.

The way to enable that is

sudo sysctl net.ipv6.conf.interface.accept_ra_rt_info_max_plen=64

Which will enable anything up to a /64 prefix to be advertised at us.

Looking at how the kernel handles default routing tables, what would be really useful (to me at least) would be to be able to set default metrics per interface so that when a route is advertised at it it used the per interface metric rather than the (sortof) hardcoded kernel metrics.

Posted: 2011-04-06 14:03 in Tech | permalink

Discovering Netgear ProSafe switches and IP Power 9258 devices

So, we have some netgear prosafe switches and some IP Power 9258 devices where I'm currently working, unfortunately, these don't always get the IP configuration that you'd expect (or, they get a DHCP lease from a DHCP server that I can't query the leases from...), however both come with little windows utilities that "magically" find the devices and give back (quite a lot, really) information on the IP configuration of the device. Being somewhat of a "oh god, I don't want to use windows, please don't make me" type person, and knowing the the IPPower 9258 boxes were going to a remote site where I'll only have linux machines on the same network as them, I figured that it would be a good idea to sit with wireshark and find out how the heck these tools worked.

Turns out that both just send out a UDP broadcast packet (or two) and then sit and wait for responses - this meant that to get the information that I wanted out of them I could get away with writing very little python, taking the UDP packet that I got back, taking the payload and dismantling it piece by piece so that I could display that information. The scripts aren't at all polished, but if anyone happens to need something (that should work multi-platform, too) to discover either of these, let me know and I can throw you what I've got.

Posted: 2010-09-07 22:00 in Tech | permalink

So... shortened urls then...

Turns out that I do get shortened urls in twirssi if I manage to install libwww-shorten-perl, so having now installed that it appears that I've got a fairly much fully working twirssi, which is rather nice.

Posted: 2010-03-23 10:30 in Tech | permalink

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