
This project was born from the fact I just plain didn't like the other solutions in place. This has a requirement on bash and the imagemagick tools, but that's about it. It's simple to use and does exactly what I needed it to when I wrote it.

Basic usage is very simple, call the script with the directory containing the images for the gallery. It defaults to finding images with the extensions jpeg,jpg,gif or png.

I used to use this to generate my photo gallerys, but they are now generated by django (as is the rest of this site)... I still use for quick gallerys elsewhere (mostly if doing things for other people at work), so it's still got it's uses... and there are still some users!

If you use this and think of any improvements, then please feel free to send suggestions to me.

The current stable version is bpgallery-1.1.5.

For the latest developement version checkout the git repository with either:

$ git clone git://


$ git clone